Membership Benefits

  • Exclusive offers and deals on Membership Day (every 10th of the month).
  • Access to member-only promotions and early product releases.
  • Stay updated with our special deals by subscribing to our newsletter.

Membership Tiers

Gold Member: Spend $300 within a calendar year.

Silver Member: Spend $200 within a calendar year.

Brown Member: Spend $100 within a calendar year.

Terms & Conditions

  • Membership benefits are non-transferable and exclusively for the use of the member.
  • The spending threshold is based on the total amount spent before taxes and after discounts.
  • LHiDS reserves the right to modify the terms, conditions, and benefits of the membership program without prior notice.

Renewal and Downgrade

  • If the required spending amount is not met, your membership will be downgraded to the next lower tier for the next year.
  • Membership status is reviewed annually.
  • For questions about the membership program or your current status, please contact our customer support.